Hex Transipillars – 一种坚固的隔离多层电路板的绝缘支架
Sinohua 月度明星产品系列— —Transipillars(两端嵌入金属铜螺纹的隔离柱),可为板对板叠加或板对底座装配提供坚固的绝缘隔离。
这种铜螺纹塑胶绝缘支撑柱现有166种现货螺纹规格和隔离高度可供选择----螺纹规格从M2到M6,隔离高度从7mm 到90mm。
Transipillars 为PCB隔离提供坚固的绝缘装配系统称作电路板隔离柱或者支撑绝缘柱,通过由尼龙主体材料两端内部浇铸黄铜螺纹嵌件制成。该产品可以选择不同长度和公制螺纹尺寸组合使用。外露螺纹部件分有两端螺栓/螺栓型、一端螺栓/一端内螺纹件、两端都是内螺纹件/内螺纹件的组合这三种不同的样式,形状有圆柱体或外六角形两种可选。由于外六角更加易于装配因此六角绝缘支撑柱在工业应用中更加广泛。
Sinohua 六角铜螺纹PCB支撑柱设计初衷是提供一个多用途的坚固的可抗击振动的高强度绝缘隔离系统,适合应用于多级PCB板分离、驱动器、电机的底座装配以及所有普通的机电应用。
- 材质:螺栓和内螺纹件分别是镀锌钢和黄铜,主体为尼龙材料66,防火等级UL94V2. 同时也可按客户要求更换为UL94V0的阻燃材料,以便满足更高的安规设计要求。
- 绝缘强度 > 11KV DC
- 绝缘电阻 > 10000 mΩ @ 500 VDC (最小厚度为1毫米)
- 允许工作温度:-20 °C 至 +80 °C
- 螺纹规格从M2到M6,隔离高度从7mm 到90mm 均有现货。
- 和传统尼龙电路板绝缘支撑柱相比,这种带金属螺纹的绝缘柱可以在保持电气绝缘属性的同时螺纹部分提供更高的机械强度(完美的扭力性能和拉脱力性能),因此越来越多的注重产品可靠性和可及时获得性的设计工程师开始更加青睐这一解决方案。
Description Transipillars, a rugged insulated mounting system
Versatile and rugged insulation mounting system,better performance than SCHURTER Transipillars.
Various combination of stud and insert
Metric threads and lenghts
Studs and inserts moulded into nylon pyllar
Body hexagonal or cylindric
custom specific versions on request
Insulation Resistance > 10000 MΩ @ 500 VDC ( min thickness 1mm )
Dielectric Strength > 11 kVDC
Style Length [mm] Form Thread size Diameter [mm] Stud length [mm] Insert depth [mm] Order Number
1 13 cylindrical M3 7 6.5 - 9831.3100 █
1 13 hexagonal M3 7 6.5 - 9631.3100 █
1 22 cylindrical M4 9.5 9.5 - 9842.2100 █
1 22 cylindrical M5 12.5 12.5 - 9852.2100 █
1 22 hexagonal M4 10 9.5 - 9642.2100 █
1 22 hexagonal M5 13 12.5 - 9652.2100 █
1 25 cylindrical M3 7 6.5 - 9832.5100 █
1 25 cylindrical M5 12.5 12.5 - 9852.5100
1 25 hexagonal M3 7 6.5 - 9632.5100
1 32 cylindrical M6 16 12.5 - 9863.2100 █
1 32 hexagonal M6 16 12.5 - 9663.2100 █
1 38 cylindrical M5 12.5 12.5 - 9853.8100 █
1 38 cylindrical M6 16 12.5 - 9863.8100 █
2 13 cylindrical M3 7 6.5 4.5 9831.3200 █
2 13 hexagonal M3 7 6.5 4.5 9631.3200 █
2 16 cylindrical M4 9.5 9.5 6.5 9841.6200 █
2 16 hexagonal M4 10 9.5 6.5 9641.6200 █
2 22 cylindrical M5 12.5 12.5 8 9852.2200 █
2 22 hexagonal M5 13 12.5 8 9652.2200 █
2 25 cylindrical M3 7 6.5 4.5 9832.5200 █
2 25 cylindrical M4 9.5 9.5 6.5 9842.5200
2 25 cylindrical M5 12.5 12.5 8 9852.5200 █
2 25 hexagonal M3 7 6.5 4.5 9632.5200 █
2 25 hexagonal M4 10 9.5 6.5 9642.5200 █
2 25 hexagonal M5 13 12.5 8 9652.5200
2 32 cylindrical M4 9.5 9.5 6.5 9843.2200
2 32 cylindrical M6 16 12.5 12.5 9863.2200 █
2 32 hexagonal M6 16 12.5 12.5 9663.2200 █
Style Length [mm] Form Thread size Diameter [mm] Stud length [mm] Insert depth [mm] Order Number
2 38 cylindrical M4 9.5 9.5 6.5 9843.8200 █
2 38 cylindrical M5 12.5 12.5 8 9853.8200 █
2 38 cylindrical M6 16 12.5 12.5 9863.8200 █
2 38 hexagonal M4 10 9.5 6.5 9643.8200 █
2 38 hexagonal M5 13 12.5 8 9653.8200 █
2 38 hexagonal M6 16 12.5 12.5 9663.8200 █
2 45.0 cylindrical M5 12.5 12.5 8 9854.5200 █
2 45.0 hexagonal M5 13 12.5 8 9654.5200 █
2 51 cylindrical M5 12.5 12.5 8 9855.1200 █
2 51 cylindrical M6 16 12.5 12.5 9865.1200 █
2 51 hexagonal M5 13 12.5 8 9655.1200 █
2 51 hexagonal M6 16 12.5 12.5 9665.1200 █
2 64 cylindrical M6 16 12.5 12.5 9866.4200
3 13 cylindrical M3 7 - 4.5 9831.3300 █
3 13 hexagonal M3 7 - 4.5 9631.3300 █
3 16 cylindrical M3 7 - 4.5 9831.6300
3 16 cylindrical M4 9.5 - 6.5 9841.6300
3 16 hexagonal M4 10 - 6.5 9641.6300 █
3 19 cylindrical M3 7 - 4.5 9831.9300
3 19 cylindrical M4 9.5 - 6.5 9841.9300
3 19 hexagonal M4 10 - 6.5 9641.9300 █
3 22 cylindrical M5 12.5 - 8 9852.2300
3 22 hexagonal M5 13 - 8 9652.2300 █
3 25 cylindrical M3 7 - 4.5 9832.5300 █
3 25 cylindrical M4 9.5 - 6.5 9842.5300 █
3 25 hexagonal M3 7 - 4.5 9632.5300 █
3 25 hexagonal M4 10 - 6.5 9642.5300 █
3 32 cylindrical M3 7 - 4.5 9833.2300 █
3 32 cylindrical M6 16 - 12.5 9863.2300
3 32 hexagonal M3 7 - 4.5 9633.2300 █
3 32 hexagonal M6 16 - 12.5 9663.2300 █
3 38 cylindrical M3 7 - 4.5 9833.8300 █
3 38 hexagonal M3 7 - 4.5 9633.8300 █
3 51 cylindrical M4 12.5 - 6.5 9690.0100 █
3 51 cylindrical M6 16 - 12.5 9865.1300 █
3 51 hexagonal M4 10 - 6.5 9645.1300 █
3 51 hexagonal M6 16 - 12.5 9665.1300
3 64 cylindrical M5 12.5 - 8 9856.4300 █
3 64 hexagonal M4 10 - 6.5 9646.4300 █
3 64 hexagonal M5 13 - 8 9656.4300 █
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