PPS=聚苯硫醚 Polyphenylene Sulfide,热变形温度(HDT)260℃。长期使用温度(RTI温度)可达220℃。耐化学性极佳,仅次于聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)。高强度、高刚性,耐蠕变。是以塑代钢的主要材料种类之一。
深圳信诺华工业作为行业里生产绝缘支撑六角铜柱和其他电路板周边紧固件的无名英雄,我们已经累积了166套标准模具--涵盖螺纹范围M2-M6, 绝缘支撑高度从10mm-90mm的各种型号。欢迎您即刻联络我们索取免费样品和报价!如果您需要经济型抗冲击高强度之两端金属螺纹PCB绝缘柱,可以观摩我们的HSM系列铜嵌件电路板绝缘间隔柱或者随时联络我们。
Short Table of Variants Transipillars/Spacers:
耐高温抗冲击PCB绝缘柱-黑色PPS,UL94V0阻燃加40%玻璃纤维增强强度,双边金属内螺纹型 | ||||||||||
间隔高度L | M3 物料号 | M4 物料号 | 间隔高度L | M3 物料号 | M4 物料号 | 间隔高度L | M3 物料号 | M4 物料号 | ||
10 | V0FF-M310 | V0FF-M410 | 21 | V0FF-M321 | V0FF-M421 | 32 | V0FF-M332 | V0FF-M432 | ||
11 | V0FF-M311 | V0FF-M411 | 22 | V0FF-M322 | V0FF-M422 | 33 | V0FF-M333 | V0FF-M433 | ||
12 | V0FF-M312 | V0FF-M412 | 23 | V0FF-M323 | V0FF-M423 | 34 | V0FF-M334 | V0FF-M434 | ||
13 | V0FF-M313 | V0FF-M413 | 24 | V0FF-M324 | V0FF-M424 | 35 | V0FF-M335 | V0FF-M435 | ||
14 | V0FF-M314 | V0FF-M414 | 25 | V0FF-M325 | V0FF-M425 | 36 | V0FF-M336 | V0FF-M436 | ||
15 | V0FF-M315 | V0FF-M415 | 26 | V0FF-M326 | V0FF-M426 | 37 | V0FF-M337 | V0FF-M437 | ||
16 | V0FF-M316 | V0FF-M416 | 27 | V0FF-M327 | V0FF-M427 | 38 | V0FF-M338 | V0FF-M438 | ||
17 | V0FF-M317 | V0FF-M417 | 28 | V0FF-M328 | V0FF-M428 | 39 | V0FF-M339 | V0FF-M439 | ||
18 | V0FF-M318 | V0FF-M418 | 29 | V0FF-M329 | V0FF-M429 | 40 | V0FF-M340 | V0FF-M440 | ||
19 | V0FF-M319 | V0FF-M419 | 30 | V0FF-M330 | V0FF-M430 | 45 | V0FF-M345 | V0FF-M445 | ||
20 | V0FF-M320 | V0FF-M420 | 31 | V0FF-M331 | V0FF-M431 | 50 | V0FF-M350 | V0FF-M450 |
耐高温抗冲击PCB绝缘柱-黑色PPS,UL94V0 加40%玻璃纤维增强强度,一端是金属内螺纹,一端是金属外螺纹型 | ||||||||||
间隔高度L | M3 物料号 | M4 物料号 | 间隔高度L | M3 物料号 | M4 物料号 | 间隔高度L | M3 物料号 | M4 物料号 | ||
10 | V0MF-M310 | V0MF-M410 | 21 | V0MF-M321 | V0MF-M421 | 32 | V0MF-M332 | V0MF-M432 | ||
11 | V0MF-M311 | V0MF-M411 | 22 | V0MF-M322 | V0MF-M422 | 33 | V0MF-M333 | V0MF-M433 | ||
12 | V0MF-M312 | V0MF-M412 | 23 | V0MF-M323 | V0MF-M423 | 34 | V0MF-M334 | V0MF-M434 | ||
13 | V0MF-M313 | V0MF-M413 | 24 | V0MF-M324 | V0MF-M424 | 35 | V0MF-M335 | V0MF-M435 | ||
14 | V0MF-M314 | V0MF-M414 | 25 | V0MF-M325 | V0MF-M425 | 36 | V0MF-M336 | V0MF-M436 | ||
15 | V0MF-M315 | V0MF-M415 | 26 | V0MF-M326 | V0MF-M426 | 37 | V0MF-M337 | V0MF-M437 | ||
16 | V0MF-M316 | V0MF-M416 | 27 | V0MF-M327 | V0MF-M427 | 38 | V0MF-M338 | V0MF-M438 | ||
17 | V0MF-M317 | V0MF-M417 | 28 | V0MF-M328 | V0MF-M428 | 39 | V0MF-M339 | V0MF-M439 | ||
18 | V0MF-M318 | V0MF-M418 | 29 | V0MF-M329 | V0MF-M429 | 40 | V0MF-M340 | V0MF-M440 | ||
19 | V0MF-M319 | V0MF-M419 | 30 | V0MF-M330 | V0MF-M430 | 45 | V0MF-M345 | V0MF-M445 | ||
20 | V0MF-M320 | V0MF-M420 | 31 | V0MF-M331 | V0MF-M431 | 50 | V0MF-M350 | V0MF-M450 |
耐高温抗冲击PCB绝缘柱-黑色PPS,UL94V0 加40%玻璃纤维增强强度,两端都是金属外螺纹型
间隔高度L | M3 物料号 |
10 | V0MM-M310 |
15 | V0MM-M315 |
20 | V0MM-M320 |
25 | V0MM-M325 |
30 | V0MM-M330 |
35 | V0MM-M335 |
耐高温抗冲击PCB绝缘柱-黑色PPS,UL94V0 加40%玻璃纤维增强强度,内外螺纹不对称型
间隔高度L | 物料号 | 间隔高度L | 物料号 | 间隔高度L | 物料号 | ||||
10 | V0MF-M4M310 | 21 | V0MF-M4M321 | 32 | V0MF-M4M332 | ||||
11 | V0MF-M4M311 | 22 | V0MF-M4M322 | 33 | V0MF-M4M333 | ||||
12 | V0MF-M4M312 | 23 | V0MF-M4M323 | 34 | V0MF-M4M334 | ||||
13 | V0MF-M4M313 | 24 | V0MF-M4M324 | 35 | V0MF-M4M335 | ||||
14 | V0MF-M4M314 | 25 | V0MF-M4M325 | 36 | V0MF-M4M336 | ||||
15 | V0MF-M4M315 | 26 | V0MF-M4M326 | 37 | V0MF-M4M337 | ||||
16 | V0MF-M4M316 | 27 | V0MF-M4M327 | 38 | V0MF-M4M338 | ||||
17 | V0MF-M4M317 | 28 | V0MF-M4M328 | 39 | V0MF-M4M339 | ||||
18 | V0MF-M4M318 | 29 | V0MF-M4M329 | 40 | V0MF-M4M340 | ||||
19 | V0MF-M4M319 | 30 | V0MF-M4M330 | 45 | V0MF-M4M345 | ||||
20 | V0MF-M4M320 | 31 | V0MF-M4M331 | 50 | V0MF-M4M350 |
全系列规格书下载 - PPS UL94V0 耐高温 内包铜螺纹嵌件之PCB间隔柱
Hex Transipillars – 一种高可靠性的坚固的隔离多层电路板的UL94V0阻燃绝缘支架
信诺华工业推出新系列产品— —耐高温UL94V0 Transipillars(两端嵌入金属铜螺纹的隔离柱),可为板对板叠加或板对底座装配提供坚固的绝缘隔离。
Transipillars 为隔离提供坚固的绝缘装配系统称作隔离柱,通过由40%玻璃纤维增强型PPS主体材料两端内部浇铸黄铜螺纹嵌件制成。该产品可以选择不同长度和公制螺纹尺寸组合使用。外露螺纹部件分有两端螺栓/螺栓型、一端螺栓/一端内螺纹件、两端都是内螺纹件/内螺纹件的组合这三种不同的样式,形状有圆柱体或外六角形两种可选。由于外六角更加易于装配因此六角绝缘支撑柱在工业应用中更加广泛。
Sinohua 耐高温六角铜螺纹PCB支撑柱设计初衷是提供一个多用途的坚固的可抗击振动的高强度绝缘隔离系统,适合应用于多级PCB板分离、驱动器、电机的底座装配以及所有普通的机电应用。
- 材质:螺栓和内螺纹件分别是环保黄铜,主体为PPS,防火等级UL94V0的阻燃材料,以便满足更高的安规设计要求。
- 绝缘强度 > 12KV DC
- 和传统尼龙电路板绝缘支撑柱相比,这种带金属螺纹的绝缘柱可以在保持电气绝缘属性的同时螺纹部分提供更高的机械强度(完美的扭力性能和拉脱力性能),因此越来越多的注重产品可靠性和可及时获得性的设计工程师开始更加青睐这一解决方案。
*Toray TORELINA™AR04是一种聚苯硫醚(PPS)级,由40%的玻璃纤维增强。它使用于注塑加工具有优异的耐热性、阻燃性、耐化学性、物理强度、流动性和尺寸稳定性。通常AR04用于开关、连接器和其他电子和电气部件、交流发电机和其他汽车部件以及办公室设备部件,包括底盘零件和外壳。符合UL94V0阻燃等级 和 UL 746C(f1)要求。
UL94V0 PPS Spacer (Hexagonal)Spacers&Standoffs
Hex insulating PCB Transipillars With metal threaded inserts inside,Hex Hybrid Spacer Standoffs from Sinohua are commonly used for mounting electronic hardware (PCBs). The standoff provides support, spacing and insulation for components in a wide variety of applications like electronic enclosures, circuit board assemblies, panels, etc.
Transipillars, a rugged insulated mounting system.
Description of These PPS spacers/standoffs:
- Versatile and rugged insulation mounting system; Various combination of stud and insert; Metric threads and lenghts
- Studs and inserts moulded into PPS pillar as a whole component.
- Hexagonal Body as standard option while round body pillars are available upon request(contact Sinohua industries for samples,stock and lead times enquiry).
Material of Main body: PPS (Polyphenylene Sulfide), GF40% Reinforced. UL94V0. Thermal deformation temperature:1.82Mpa:260℃, Dielectric Strength > 12 kVDC
Stud/Female inserts - brass nickel plated
- Custom specific versions on request.
HEX HYBRID STANDOFFS Features and Benefits
- ► The durable and versatile insulator standoff spacers are available with multiple combinations of female and male inserts, hex widths and spacing lengths.
- ► The Hybrid design of embedded-in metal inserts into a PPS body provides higher tensile/shear strength and exceptional insulation.
- ► Standard metric metal inserts with Black PPS UL94 V-0 hexagon spacer body.
- ► All parts are RoHS & REACH compliant
Material Information:TORELINA™ AR04 by Toray is a polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) grade reinforced with 40% glass fiber. It can be processed using injection molding. Possesses excellent heat resistance, flame retardancy, excellent chemical resistance, good physical strength, superb fluidity and outstanding dimensional stability. TORELINA™ AR04 is used in switches, connectors and other electronic and electric components, alternators and other automobile components and in office equipment components including chassis parts and housings. Meets UL94V0 and UL746C(f1)requirements.